Finding a provider for a simple cremation without all the extras may feel daunting. However, you don’t have to skimp on quality and service to find a simple solution for cremation services. Some cremation providers will work within your budget constraints to help you and your family grieve together while providing cremation services at a price point you can appreciate. 

What is a Direct Provider?

Most funeral homes in NC offer simple cremation services, but most send the body off to another vendor to complete the actual cremation process. The vendors who do cremation services do not work with families who’d like to be a part of the process. They do not provide other services that a family must handle when there is a death. These cremation vendors only do cremation at their facility without interacting with grieving loved ones. They will cremate when they can schedule it and are not receptive to the desires of the family.

However, some funeral homes provide everything your family needs for a simple cremation on-site. With a funeral home that provides cremation on-site, you get the best of both worlds: the service and care of funeral home professionals along with a simple cremation.

What Does a Simple Cremation Include?

A funeral home that offers a simple cremation package may include the services you need when there is a death in the family. When there is a death, you may need a provider to transfer the deceased’s body to the funeral home. You may also desire a basic urn or help with all of the necessary paperwork you must complete when a death occurs. 

A funeral home with an on-site direct cremation service sometimes provides all of the help you need to say goodbye to a loved one. A funeral home may include other necessary services in an on-site simple cremation package, such as:

  • Transfer of Deceased 
  • On-Site Cremation
  • Basic Urn
  • Cremation Certificate

Why Choose a Cremation Package?

Often, when someone dies, there are arrangements you may not think you need. However, after talking with family about your plans, you may realize that your loved ones do need a time to gather together and grieve. While it is reasonable to want a simple cremation, don’t rob your loved ones of a time together to mourn your loss. 

Sometimes, it’s easy to mistakenly believe that the sooner you handle everything related to a death in the family, the sooner your grief will subside. However, grief is not that simple. 

Mourning a loved one is a complicated process that may take years, depending on your relationship with the deceased. Throwing out or giving away all of their belongings, decluttering your home, and disposing of their body does not mean that your grieving is over or that you will magically feel better. 

What About the Cost of a Simple Cremation?

A simple cremation package in the Raleigh Durham area does cost much less than a burial package. The reason is that you do not need to purchase a burial plot, expensive casket, grave liner, memorial stone, or other services that drive your expenses up. With cremation, you may even choose to plan a simple memorial service or celebration of life event several weeks after death rather than hurriedly throwing together an expensive funeral. 

When you plan a cremation with a funeral home, they may include a small memorial service in the package they offer. These types of simple cremation packages that include everything you need may cost less than $3,000, more or less.

What Happens If You Don’t Plan For Time With Loved Ones?

Even if you had a complicated relationship with the deceased, mourning is necessary. You need to take the time to feel your feelings in the presence of your loved ones. If you rush through the process, you may find that deep-seated struggles come up in your daily life and play out in unhealthy ways such as:

  • Tears for “no reason”
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Depression
  • Anger or irritability
  • Agitation

Taking the time to let the tears flow, whether they are sad, angry, or fearful, is part of letting your emotions work through this time of grief. It is crucial to take the time to talk about how you feel with family and friends after a death in your family. It can seem uncomfortable if you usually keep your feelings to yourself. However, talking or writing about your loss with others helps you begin the grief process. Eventually, you will come to a place where this death no longer defines your daily life. 

We Can Help

At Renaissance Funeral Home, we offer a beautiful, reverent, and private viewing room to say goodbye even if you don’t wish to schedule a memorial service. We allow you to assist our crematory staff in the start of cremation or plan a witness ceremony before cremation. Our staff is available for help with paperwork, questions you may have, or assistance with moving your loved one before cremation. We also offer budget-friendly packages for a simple cremation.that includes:

  • Professional Services
  • Transfer of Deceased to Our Care
  • On-Site Cremation
  • Basic Urn
  • Cremation Certificate
  • Private Goodbye Viewing
  • All Necessary Paperwork
  • Weekday Memorial Service in Our Chapel
  • LIVE Streaming Memorial Service
  • No Hidden Fees

We desire to work with you to meet your needs. A death in the family deserves time to consider the details. We are here to talk with you about your loss and help you think through what you and your loved ones need to move forward with hope again. Contact us today and find out how we can assist your family in your simple cremation needs and not so simple cremation needs.