Any veteran honorably discharged from military service is entitled to receive military honors on the day of the funeral. We arrange for this providing we have a DD214 document or an honorable discharge certificate from the veteran or the veteran’s family.
This document enables us to obtain a 5’x 9.5′ American made cotton American flag from the U.S. Post Office and schedule a flag folding and taps with U.S. military Honor Guard. Dependent on qualifications, military pallbearers, a chaplain, and a 21 gun salute may also be given to the deceased veteran at the funeral.
The flag will be presented to the spouse or the appropriate immediate next-of-kin.

Veteran Death Benefits
All Honorably Discharged Veterans are entitled to receive: American Flag, Taps, Flag Presentation and a Presidential Memorial Certificate along with burial (casket or urn) in any available state or national veteran cemetery OR a VA headstone at a cemetery of your choice.
Additionally, Retired Veterans are entitled to receive Pallbearers and a Firing Party as well as the possibility of burial in Arlington National Cemetery with prior VA approval and certain criteria met.
- Veterans who die at a VA hospital will receive:
- 1. $300 burial or cremation allowance;
- 2. $300 burial plot allowance if they do not use a national cemetery;
- 3. Reimbursement for funeral home transportation cost from VA hospital to the funeral home;
- 4. Reimbursement for funeral home transportation cost from funeral home to place of burial or service.
- Veterans who die outside a VA hospital with a service connected disability pension will receive:
- 1. $300 burial or cremation allowance;
- 2. $300 plot allowance if they do not use a national cemetery;
- 3. Reimbursement for funeral home transportation cost from the funeral home to the nearest National Cemetery.
- Veterans who die outside a VA hospital with a support pension will receive:
- 1. $300 burial or cremation allowance;
- 2. $300 plot allowance if they don’t use a national cemetery
- Veterans who die outside a VA hospital with a 100% service connected death will receive a $2000 reimbursement given to the family for funeral or cremation costs.

We arrange for the veteran burial no matter what type of cemetery: private, family-owned, municipal, state, national, local or out-of-state. The nearest national cemetery with available plot is Salisbury National Cemetery. Salisbury, North Carolina is approximately a two hour drive or 120 miles from the funeral home. Burials can still occur if burying cremains in an urn.

There are two types of veteran cemeteries: State and National. With proper eligibility, both offer a free grave space and a free headstone. The spouse of a veteran can also be buried at both types of cemeteries. Veterans can choose burial or cremation as the Veteran cemeteries will facilitate the burial of a casket or an urn.

CHAMPVA: The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs provides coverage for surviving spouses and children of veterans who died in service or were permanently disabled due to service. (800) 827 1000
HOME LOAN ELIGIBILITY CENTER: The surviving spouse of a veteran whose death was service-connected is eligible for this program. (888) 244 6711
LIFE INSURANCE: The veteran may have had an active life insurance policy with the VA. Call (800) 669 8477 and (800) 419 1473 to find out.
EDUCATION and TRAINING: For many different professions and trades. Available to surviving spouses and dependent children of veterans who died in service or were permanently disabled due to service. Call (888) 442 4551
VETERANS ADMINISTRATION CONTACT: (800) 827 1000 or www.va.gov
Plan Ahead Today
Pre-planning the funeral experience for your loved ones provides you with time to make end-of-life decisions in a calm and rational atmosphere. Start the online planning process now, or meet with one of our pre-planning advisors.
Choosing a Raleigh Funeral Home
While it is not mandatory to hire a funeral director, a professional makes the process much easier.
Most families choose to use a funeral home because of the standard of care and the regulations around the handling of the deceased.
It is important to choose a funeral home that will listen to your wishes and work with you to make sure what you want is carried out.
Funeral homes can work with different budgets and add special touches to personalize the funeral.