
William Benedict "Billy" Barry

April 21, 1965 - May 17, 2011


Obituary For William Benedict "Billy" Barry

Billy sang and Jesus liked it so much He gave William Benedict Barry a slot in Heaven's Choir.

Cancer struck on March 2nd. He sang. First surgery. More songs. Tubes down the nose; sing it again, Billy Boy. Bill was destined by adoption to become the first son of Shirley and Jack Barry. The Lord was so delighted with the Sisters of Mercy at Angel Guardian in Brooklyn that he gave Bill three siblings Alice Stewart, Thomas and John.

Duke-Raleigh to UNC in mid-March. Deserves a song, several. Billy loved and lived his Catholic Faith. A 1987 grad of Franciscan University Billy went on to a 16 year career as THE BEST MAIL CARRIER IN THE HISTORY OF RALEIGH. Or close.

Every second of his life was lived with Mom and Dad. He sang his way through April regaling sundry docs, nurses, surgeons, rehab folk, oncologists, priests and kids. This Christ-like brilliant child of God grasped the cancer by its evil throat and the sought after miracle became the victory of eternal life over death. On May 17th the songs were no more. He received Jesus in the Eucharist. He was gone.

Please join his family, friends and his Triangle Taiko (Japanese Drum Culture) pals as we celebrate the saintly, simple, gentle life of Billy. Renaissance Funeral Home has arranged the Tuesday, May 24th, 6 PM Funeral Mass at St. Raphael's R.C. Church. From 4:30 until the Eucharistic celebration begins there will be laughter, drums, prayer and, yes, song.

He was adopted, not aborted. Birthchoice of Raleigh, 3820 Merton Dr., Suite 219, 27609 will sing if you make a donation. As for the Choir in Heaven.......a star is born.

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  • September 01, 2020

    Jack and Shirley, I remember Bill mostly from years ago when he would come and sing with the Saturday vigil mass choir back when Gene Pipas was director of music at St. Raphael. He had a great baritone voice and was a great contributor to the choir. I am sure he is singing this day in heaven. My condolences to you and your family. Kay

  • September 01, 2020

    Life a a Catholic Christian can be hard, especially so in the Southern states. Billy was so proud of his shared life with Christ that he relished the opportunity to praise God-Trinity in joy and in sorrow. His quest for the Lord is over, and my prayers are for his family as they deal with the fragile emotions that are also life experiences. Be blessed and know you are loved.

  • September 01, 2020

    I didn't know Billy personally, but I will pray for him and for his family. God bless you all.

  • September 01, 2020

    Beloved of the Barry Family, What an honor and privilege for me to have shared in Bill's life, even as the Lord was preparing that special mansion for him in the Fullness of the Kingdom. Now he knows more than all of us put together. What a moment it must have been when he and Jesus met. May we live here on Planet Earth, in accord with God's Will, until we too can be together again. In the meantime, may God's Holy Spirit be a source of Comfort for us left behind only for awhile. We grieve, but not as pagans, rather, as lovers of one who lived the little Way of Salvation. We cry, not because he hurts, but because we hurt in the physical separation. However, the bond of love cannot be broken. Look for ways Bill will show us, all is well. Love, fr. john patrick

  • September 01, 2020

    Bill was my mail carrier for many yrs and was always very interested in our dogs. He especially made friends with our latest dog Shelby who he left treats for in the mailbox at Christmastime. We would often chat about dogs and how great they are. I was so sorry to hear about his illness and death. I know how special he was to you as Jill forwarded all your e-mails to me. I empathize as we too have lost a close loved one to pancreatic cancer, and it's a devastating loss after a horrible illness. Amazing how the afflicted can give us the strength to deal with it more calmly than we otherwise would. May God help you through this loss and the ensuing yrs. God Bless!

  • September 01, 2020

    Dear Shirley, Jack, Tom, John and Alice, Words seem insufficient to express my sorrow at the loss of your Billy, but words will have to suffice since we are here on Long Island. I wish we could be there to hug you tight and tell you we'll be there for you through this terrible time of loss. Unfortunately we know exactly how you feel right now now ..and the word that comes to me is HOLLOW. Take care dear friends. We love you and will hold you in prayer daily. Love you Fran and Joe Mercolino

  • September 01, 2020

    To Bill's family. I didn't know your son,only through my sister and her sharing his story on facebook and all of us meeting him on his videos/ His smile and courage and faith in the Lord are an inspiration. I pray God comforts you so sweetly during this time, and that you may know in your hearts your son is divinely happy and whispering blessings upon you in the Fathers ears. We are so sorry for your great loss.. Jennifer,Tim and Harrison Morales

  • September 01, 2020

    Dear Jack and Shirley: The mass was a wonderful tribute to Bill. So unique and beautiful--just like him! The verse that keeps coming to my mind when I think of Bill is Matthew 5:8, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Thank you for allowing us to share in this journey with your family. May God bless you all. Jill Pike

  • September 01, 2020

    Dear Mr. and Mrs. Barry-- Sadly, I was just informed of Billy's passing. He was a delight to work with and I am glad I got to be his nurse for a little while during his stay with us at UNC Rehabilitation Center. I enjoyed getting to know both him and you. I am so sorry for your loss. Sincerely, Laura Via

  • September 01, 2020

    Dear Jack and Shirley, Your faith, hope and love are inspiring. May Bill rest in peace. With our deepest sympathy, Betty and Joe Clines

  • September 01, 2020

    It has been a privilege to know Billy and his special family for many years. I wish we were living closer right now so I could hug you all. Especially grateful that the Long Island contingent were able to visit last October. Little did we know how important that visit would be. Thank you for your Faith and your Love. Will keep praying with and for all the Barrys. God bless and love and prayers, Peggy

  • September 01, 2020

    Well, don't take the absence of messages on this beautiful Condolence page here as a slight. A LOT of us have expressed our love for Bill and the family via Facebook. I know everyone will miss Bill, even if they never met him. This is a tribute to his siblings, who loved him so much, they were generous enough to share him with us. I know Bill is singing and rejoicing in the face of God. May his heavenly miracle be a testament to all.

  • September 01, 2020

    It only took one time meeting Billy to know that he was a very special man. I met him in my massage office and worked hard to help his ailing body get through some very difficult pain down his legs. He liked the therapy and talked to me about his life. Details of some of it were freely shared when the pain was not sparking. I did not know at that time it was cancer, though looking back, it was only two days later that the diagnosis was made. God Rest your soul and keep your mom and day ever in his healing grace.

  • September 01, 2020

    I met Bill just a few days before his death, but in the short time that Bill and his beautiful family were a part of my daily life I realized that every minute of his life was filled with love and the presence of God. As Bill joins our Father in eternal life, I can't help but think that his memory will remain alive in the minds and hearts of those who had the joy of knowing him. May he rest in peace in the Holy presence of the Lord.

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