Veronica Schultz Noble

June 07, 1947 - June 30, 2022


Obituary For Veronica Schultz Noble

Veronica Schultz Noble, 75, of Raleigh, NC, passed away on June 30, 2022 after a short illness. She was born on June 04, 1947 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where she spent the first part of her life.

Veronica’s journey to Raleigh began 48 years ago when she met her husband Robert in Brazil. Veronica was there on a summer vacation trip to visit her cousins; Robert was there for some work with her cousin’s husband. After a long-distance courtship through many letters and a couple of visits (there was no WhatsApp, FaceTime or email, and telephone communications were not the best), they married in Buenos Aires in 1974. They first lived in Dallas, Texas where Robert worked and where their two oldest children Michele and Martin were born. Later they moved to Brazil where their third child Sofia was born and where they made life-long friends. Ten years later they moved to Raleigh where they have lived for the past 30 years. They have enjoyed traveling to new places and have visited over ten countries and many states.

For over 20 years, Veronica worked with the LEAP program at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School, where she got to know many children, their parents and staff. LEAP meant a lot to Veronica, giving her a needed social outlet and purpose outside the home and where she made many friends. Veronica also volunteered for many years at the Catholic Parish Outreach Food Pantry in Raleigh.

She is survived by her husband Robert, three children Michele (Atlanta), Martin (Raleigh) and Sofia (Germany), three grandsons Manuel, Marcos and Gabriel, and loving son-in-laws. Also surviving her are her sister Monica (Argentina), many nieces and nephews, cousins in Chile and her sister-in-law Doris (Raleigh). Preceding her were her mother, father, sister Sonia and nephew Joaquin.

Memorial services will be held in the sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes Church at 2718 Overbrook Drive in Raleigh at 10:00 am on Wednesday, July 13, 2022. A reception will follow in the Church’s Fallon Center. The family much appreciates the outpouring of love and fond remembrances from family and friends from around the world.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Catholic Parish Outreach of the Diocese of Raleigh


13 Jul


10:00 AM

Our Lady of Lourdes R.C. Church 2718 Overbrook Drive RALEIGH, NC 27608 Get Directions »
by Obituary Assistant

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  • July 13, 2022

    Queridos Robert, Sofía, Michelle y Martín. Verónica y ustedes se confunden con los primeros años de mis hijos, con las tardes en la Hípica, los cumpleaños, las risas, el intercambio de hijos para evitar peleas entre hermanos y tantas otras cosas compartidas. Ahora es como si se cerrase el capítulo de un libro que cuenta casi diez años de nuestra vida, del que guardamos un lindo recuerdo. Me hago presente en este momento para mandarles un fuerte abrazo. Hebe Caletti Marenco y Eduardo, Horacio, María Eugenia y Augusto

  • July 13, 2022

    Queridos Robert, Sofía, Michelle y Martín. Verónica y ustedes se confunden con los primeros años de mis hijos, con las tardes en la Hípica, los cumpleaños, las risas, el intercambio de hijos para evitar peleas entre hermanos y tantas otras cosas compartidas. Ahora es como si se cerrase el capítulo de un libro que cuenta casi diez años de nuestra vida, del que guardamos un lindo recuerdo. Me hago presente en este momento para mandarles un fuerte abrazo. Hebe Caletti Marenco y Eduardo, Horacio, María Eugenia y Augusto

  • July 13, 2022

    We pray for Veronica will be already or soon in heaven. She was always a wonderful friend, ready to give a practical advise when ever needed. It will be difficult to live without her funny coments and nice laughing. Rodrigo Leticia & Family

  • July 12, 2022

    Querida Verónica: De vos nunca hablaremos en pasado porque estarás siempre presente a través de tus dichos, risas, habilidades y vivos relatos. Tendré muchas saudades de nuestras largas charlas telefónicas continuación de las que hacíamos personalmente en la Hípica allá por los soleados tiempos campineiros. Quien parte dejando sólo lindos recuerdos, nunca se va. Un besote enorme lleno de esa nostalgia que conlleva el entender que venimos para irnos. Liliana Desde lejos, pero muy cerca acompañamos a Robert y toda la familia en esta emotiva despedida de Verónica. Un afectuoso abrazo, Ingrid, Astrid, Sigrid, Liliana y Helmut

  • July 12, 2022

    A nuestros queridos Noble: Robert, Michele,José, Manuel, Marcos,Gabriel; Martin y Chad; Sofía y Torben: desde la Argentina los acompañamos y abrazamos; recordando las risas, la alegría y las charlas compartidas con nuestra querida Vera. Un beso muy grande para todos junto con nuestra oración. Moni: sus hijos: Cristian,Jacky, Mandy, Peco, Tati, Jasu y Maria , sus nueras y yernos y todos los nietos.

  • July 11, 2022

    I am at a loss for words. Please accept my most sincere condolences. May The Great Lord bring all of you peace during this most difficult time. Love, Cousin Kay Creel Chaney

  • July 10, 2022

    I was a teacher at Our Lady of Lourdes and truly enjoyed visiting with Veronica after school. She had a great sense of humor and a friendly smile all the time! My prayers and comfort to her family. Nancy Cooley

  • July 08, 2022

    Veronica was a wonderful friend to my mom, Violeta Ellis, and from out talks, family was very important to her. She will be missed.

  • July 08, 2022

    Veronica will truly be missed. She was a loving and delightful neighbor . She made beautiful sweaters for my grandchildren that will be cherished for generations. God was blessed when she came to be in his house. May God wrap his healing arms around you Robert and your family.

  • July 08, 2022

    Veronica shines brightly in memory as the most lovely and gracious lady Robert could have brought into our family.

  • July 07, 2022

    I will miss Veronica at church. We always sat near her. At LEAP, she was wonderful to my kids and all of the other kids, too. Praying for her and her family.

  • July 07, 2022

    I was so sorry to hear of Veronica's passing. I worked LEAP with her for several years and I really enjoyed her personality. I remember how she loved melted cheese. She will be missed so much. We loved her. Joy Wassil

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