Michal Gracz

February 18, 1937 - October 08, 2024


Obituary For Michal Gracz

Michal Gracz, beloved husband, father, grandfather and friend passed away peacefully on October 8, 2024, after a long battle with cancer,

He was born February 18, 1937 in Mogilna, Poland, to Jan Gracz and Maria Theil.

He studied medicine for three years at the Medical Academy of Poznan, Poland and in 1979, received his Master’s degree in Rehabilitation from Poznan University of Physical Education - the oldest Sports University in Poland.

He subsequently worked as a physical therapist for the Polish Olympic Team, and, as the team therapist, accompanied the Olympic Team to the games in the USSR, East Germany, Italy, North Korea. These tours allowed him to study the physical recuperation of athletes in those countries. In Poland he also served also as the supervising manager of the Physical Therapy and Biological Recuperation Department of the Sports Club Olympia.

Since arriving in the United States in 1984, Michal worked as a teacher and practitioner specializing in pain treatment and in alternative and traditional healing focused on increased joint and muscle mobility. Michal was a recognized expert in the use of both cryotherapy and laser therapy for treatment of these conditions. Amongst his clients and beneficiaries of his innovative therapeutic approaches were the UNC Women’s Soccer Team and world class athletes including Bobby Riggs, and many others.

Michal was an avid athlete: long distance swimmer, runner and sailor with national team at Flying Dutchman(dinghy) class. He enjoyed all kind of card and board games.

Michal will be forever cherished by his wife of 45 years, Hanna Gracz, his son, Maciek Gracz, his daughter, Kasia Kane and her husband Adam Kane, his granddaughters Aiyanna and Lilah Kane and his many nieces, nephews, cousins and his friends.

A Funeral Mass will be held at 10 am on Friday, October 18th at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 11401 Leesville Road, Raleigh, North Carolina. Immediately following Mass, there will be an interment in the columbarium. Family and friends are warmly invited to the service and lunch served immediately following the service at The Stag Club of Raleigh, 8001 Ray Rd, Raleigh, NC 27613

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Maciej Nowicki Polish Architecture and Design Endowment at NCSU College of Design https://go.ncsu.edu/nowicki


18 Oct


10:00 AM

St. Francis of Assisi Church 11401 Leesville Road Raleigh, NC 27613 Get Directions »
by Obituary Assistant

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  • 5 TREES

    Magdalena Thurin planted 5 trees in memory of Michal Gracz . - October 26, 2024

  • Serene Lily Basket

    Grażyna Bittner sent Serene Lily Basket for Michal Gracz - October 16, 2024

    Kochanemu kuzynowi ostatnie pożegnanie Grażyna i Maciej Bittner

  • Red and White Handled Basket

    Krzysztof Sadowski sent Red and White Handled Basket for Michal Gracz - October 10, 2024

    Szczere kondolencje z powodu straty ukochanego męża. Życzę otuchy i spokoju w tym trudnym czasie. Krzysztof Sadowski.


  • October 17, 2024

    Michal helped me a couple times with massage therapy. A miracle worker indeed!

  • October 17, 2024

    Droga Ciociu, Kasiu, Maćku, przesylamy Wam wyrazy miłości i najszczersze kondolencje z powodu śmierci Wujka Michała. Łączymy się z Wami w bólu i mamy nadzieje, ze wspomnienia o nim pozwolą Wam przetrwać te trudne chwile. Pamiętajcie, że jesteśmy z Wami w razie gdybyscie tego potrzebowali. Całujemy. Malgosia, Elise, Hugo i Rafał.

  • October 17, 2024

    Kochana Haniu, Najszczersze wyrazy współczucia z powodu utraty ukochanego męża dla ciebie i całej rodziny. Michał pozostanie w naszej pamięci jako miły i ujmujący, dobry przyjaciel. Krysia i Jerzyk

  • October 16, 2024

    Last farewell to Michal Gracz and our condolences to the family. We will remember him as an honest human being always ready to help others. He was a devoted family man and his love towards his wife, children and-especially- granddaughters was limitless. Memory of his life will remain with us. May he rest in peace. Laura, Wojtek and Mike Jozewicz

  • October 16, 2024

    Smutek nam serce skręca gdy przychodzi chwila pożegnania Łzy w oczach, ból w sercu gdy ktoś bliski odchodzi na zawsze. Łączymy się z Wami w bólu po stracie kochanego męża i ojca. Grażyna i Maciej Bittner

  • October 16, 2024

    Smutek nam serce skręca gdy przychodzi chwila pożegnania Łzy w oczach, ból w sercu gdy ktoś bliski odchodzi na zawsze. Łączymy się z Wami w bólu Grażyna i Maciej Bittner

  • October 15, 2024

    I had the honor of knowing and working with Michal in 1990 and later in the York Building in 2009. Michal was always there for me when I had a sports injury. I referred many clients to Michal and told them that he had "hands like Jesus!" Michal was a great healer! Rest in Peace, my friend. You were loved.

  • October 14, 2024

    Droga Haniu, przyjmij od nas szczere wyrazy współczucia z powodu straty Michała. Michał zostanie w naszej pamięci jako niezwykle ciepły, życzliwy i ujmujący swoją skromnością osoba. Haniu, Tobie i Twojej rodzinie życzymy siły i pocieszenia w tym trudnym czasie. Barbara i Paweł Molenda

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