Little, Michael Franz John - On Thursday 23rd January 2025 in Raleigh, North Carolina, passed peacefully in his 84th year.
Beloved husband of Lynn Leong Little. Father of James (Donna) Little of Florida and Louise (Daniel) Cullen of New Hampshire. Michael will be loved and missed by his grandchildren; Jaimie (John) Florio, Phoebe (Christopher) Cullen, Flora (Scott) Laurent, as well as, great-grandchildren; Connor and Elliott Florio; sister Toni (Mark) Butler; sister-in-law Alawiah Yap, nephews Jeffrey Yap, Frankie Yap, James Butler, and Brad Little; nieces Jennifer Yap and Chantal Mebs. Michael was preceded in death by his brother David Little and brother-in-law Fon Fook Yap.
The weight of flesh, a fading dream, I rise above, a liberated stream. No more the ache, the weary sigh, I soar on wings, beyond the sky.
The family would like to invite you to join them for dinner at 5:00 PM at The Capital Grille.
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Renaissance Funeral Home7615 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC27615
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Susan planted 10 trees in memory of Michael Franz John Little . - January 25, 2025
Neeta King planted 10 trees in memory of Michael Franz John Little . - January 24, 2025
January 26, 2025
Jaimie Florio
Michael was my grandfather, and to me was "Pappy." A couple of months ago, I wrote a letter to Pappy, and I'd like to share some of what I wrote in the letter to him: "You are without a doubt the most intelligent person I've ever met, but also one of the wittiest. Your approval or pride isn't something I've needed in my life, but something I've always appreciated receiving because of your own intellect and achievements. I've found myself subconsciously wanting to impress you, and the biggest surprise came when I impressed you with the family I've created rather than any academic or career achievements. The amazement and love you've had for both of my children is something I'll always treasure. ...There is so much more to you that comes to mind whenever I think of you. What resonates most with me is your laugh and the way you lean back in your chair with your head back when you find something truly humorous (usually something my father's said). Then, there's your charisma and charm, your knack for story-telling, and your ability to always be the most interesting person in the room. There's a confidence about you that I can only hope to have one day. ...When I think of you, I picture you in your house in Danbury - a house which reflected your personality so greatly. I think of the family crowding together in the dining room enjoying a meal you so carefully prepared, which always tasted fantastic. I think of carefully chosen furniture, music, and trinkets. You've brought culture, history, eccentricism and intellectualism to my life. I love you and the person that you are, complexities and stubbornness included." Love, Jaimie
January 26, 2025
Phoebe Cullen
Micheal, (Pappy) was my grandfather. He was a profound influence on my life. When I struggled academically as a child Pappy made me believe I was not stupid. He had many of the same struggles I had; and he was brilliant man. He made me believe that even if I did not get good grades that I was smart enough and tough enough to figure out a way to have a good life. The way Pappy treated his wife Lynn, had a deep impact on me as a young woman, the kind of relationship I wanted, and the kind of man I was willing to accept. As I became an adult, he and I would periodically get on the phone and talk for hours about history, and his hobbies. I loved to hear him talk, he was such a loveably excentric and unique person. I learnt an incredible amount from him. It felt like he knew something about everything, and most things about most everything. Most importantly I learnt never to compromise who I am or to allow others to influence my values. My grandfather was a gentleman, a true gentleman, he was never rude but neither did he care what anyone thought of him. He did not need the approbation of others, only to be satisfied with his own conduct and the morality of his own actions. Even though I can no longer call him or sit down to dinner with Pappy he will continue to influence me for the rest of my life. He was a force of personality who left an indelible mark on everyone he met. The advice he gave me will echo in my heart for as long as it beats.
January 26, 2025
Donna Little
Mr. Michael Little was my father-in-law. I am looking back at photos and he had such an adventurous life. How lucky he was. He was a genius. He loved his toys especially his Jaguar and his Rolls Royce. I am going to miss him. We had a special relationship. May he rest in peace, he deserves it. Love your favorite daughter in law Donna
January 26, 2025
James Little
I thought I was a self made man. I now know that I am the man my father made. Now to continue and to make him proud. A massive undertaking for the rest of my life.
January 25, 2025
James Little
Dear Lynn, Jim & Donna, Jamie , John and family Louise, Danny and family I'm so sorry for your loss. Please take comfort in knowing how much Micheal was loved by his family. Michael was a great friend personally for over 40 years, My best friend Jim Buddy Little's Father, shared many good times, adventures, experiences and holiday celebrations with the family together over the decades. Mike could always make everyone laugh with his special Old World English sense of humor and paraphrases. Remembering special times I spent with him @ Riverwood in the 1980's Yonkers days. We even Survived a Boat fire together on the Hudson River one Fourth of July. On another Maritime adventure, Mike, Jim and I braved the rough waves of the Florida Ocean all while we had the best tunafish sandwiches ever ! Good times always to be remembered ! Michael, you will be missed but never forgotten.
From John Morris and Sophia
January 25, 2025
James Little
My dad was the epitome of a man. He was a true gentleman, he was cultured, he was educated, he was loving, and he would not bend from his principles, no matter what. I have always admired him, and I will do my best to honor him for the rest of my time on this earth.
January 25, 2025
Christopher Cullen
Michael was a wonderful grandfather to my wife Phoebe, and indeed, to myself. He and Lynn made a great effort to get to know me when I first started dating Phoebe, and really helped me feel included in the family. And throughout the time that I knew him he was always supportive, even giving us a place to stay during covid and helping with our wedding. I am eternally grateful for his and Lynn's support, and am deeply sorry that I only got to have him in my life for a few short years. He will be missed.
January 25, 2025
Phil & Neeta King
Michael was full of life with a wicked sense of humor. We last saw this over the new year playing card games with him. He adored Lynn and will be missed terribly by her, his family and all who knew him. Neeta and I will miss him and offer our deepest sympathy to his family.
January 25, 2025
Louise Little-Cullen
My father would sing, often off key, and like his dancing, offbeat. But he sang with life, love, and pure joy, and always at full volume. And that is how he lived life and how he taught all those around him to love, and to live life. His joy, intelligence, and enthusiasm will be so sorely missed.
January 25, 2025
Lani van der Meer
Michael was a charismatic and charming person that loved his wife deeply. His humor was contagious and could always make me laugh. I feel fortunate for having known him.
January 24, 2025
sanjay patole
Met Michael quite a few times. He was a gentleman and always had nice stories to share. He will be missed dearly🙏
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