
Mark John Neigum

February 13, 1950 - October 15, 2011


Obituary For Mark John Neigum

Mark John Neigum, 61, formerly of Rugby, ND, and a long-time Cary resident, passed away Saturday, October 15, 2011, at Wake Medical Center in Raleigh, NC. He was a long-time volunteer at Catholic Parish Outreach and the Food Bank in Raleigh as well as with the Boy Scouts in Cary. An avid movie-goer, Mark was a theater manager for many years in both North Dakota and North Carolina, most recently at Six Forks Cinema in Raleigh. Mark was a 1968 graduate of Rugby High School in Rugby, North Dakota. He attended Bottineau College in Bottineau, North Dakota, and later earned his degree in business at Minot State College in Minot, North Dakota. He was preceded in death by his parents, John and Regina Neigum of Rugby, North Dakota Mark is survived by his wife, Barbara J. Neigum; a brother, Bruce, of Phoenix, Arizona; several cousins and many nieces and nephews. He will be sorely missed. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Catholic Parish Outreach or the Food Bank.

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  • September 01, 2020

    Barb, I am sitting here and thinking of you and of Mark and of the Port Townsend family trip and of how sweet you two were together. Whenever I think of the two of you together, I remember watching Mark watching you with so much affection and good humor. Mark was a person whose presence was large in all the ways of kindness and generosity. He always had a helping hand to lend to all of us in our family whenever the need arose. My love and affection goes to you in the most abundant and deepest of ways. I move through these days with the fullness of Marks memory in my heart, spirit, and soul. You are loved, dear Sissy.

  • September 01, 2020

    Dear Barb, It is with the greatest regret that I send this to you, Could you Please let me know what if anything I can do to help you in this time of sorrow. If so Please call me and I will be happy to do whatever I can to Help. My thoughts and prayers are with you always Love Your Friend, Sandy

  • September 01, 2020

    We feel fortunate to have had Mark as part of our family. He was a kind, loving and generous man and he was exceptionally good to my sister, Barb. It was so obvious when we saw them together that he loved her unconditionally. Mark was also incredibly devoted to the care of our parents, posturing more as a son than son-in-law, ever available when they needed help. His goodness strengthened our family and we will miss him. We know Mark loved his life in the Physical. We saw great evidence of that love in his kind and compassionate treatment of others and in his community work. Mark did the right thing, which was not always the easy thing because he was a serious man of faith who devoted time to spiritual study and the practice of his beliefs. He also believed in life beyond the Physical. Mark's spirit is eternal; his life is everlasting. Whatever vision he held of Heaven, or a reward beyond life on Earth, he is surely enjoying at this moment. In grace, Mark made his transition back into the Non-Physical state of Pure, Positive Energy and Love. He has been reunited with those he loved who preceded him and we WILL be with him again. Until then, Dear Friend, we will do everything within our power to care for your bride. Rest easy All is well.

  • September 01, 2020

    Mr. Neigum was a wonderful man which I am blessed to say that I was able to get to know and am thankful that he was in my life. I have known Mr. Neigum for four years through working at Six Forks Cinemas. He always made work fun, and I enjoyed working with him at work. He was always thoughtful whether it was playing Christmas music on Christmas eve and Christmas day, making sure we were safe to getting to our cars, or saving movie posters for us. A wonderful memory that I have had with him is our funny Harry Potter talks together, and advice that he would give me on situations that I had going on with my life. He was a wonderful man, manager, and friend. I know he will be missed especially by me, and others at Six Forks Cinemas. I know that work will not be the same with out him. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to get to know him. - Alex

  • September 01, 2020

    Mr. Neigum was a great man to work for and to know. He treated all of us at Six Forks Cinemas kindly and with respect. I could tell that he cared about all of us, whether it was making sure we were all safe or just asking how our days were. He helped make the theater a special place and it will not be the same to go back without him there. I'll miss you very much, Mr. Neigum. My condolences to the family.

  • September 01, 2020

    Mr. Neigum was a wonderful man. He made work fun and it will never be the same without him. He will be so greatly missed. My heart goes out to his family and friends.

  • September 01, 2020

    Mark was a nice person to work for and a really good, generous man. I'll miss him. My heart goes out to his family.

  • September 01, 2020

    Mr. Niegum was a great man and manager. It was an honor to work for him for the four years that I did. It won't be the same not seeing him walking around with his "Grumpy" mug full of coffee at all times of the day, no matter what the weather. He will be missed by everyone who ever met him.

  • September 01, 2020

    Dear Niegum family, I am sorry for your loss. May the God of all comfort, sustain you through His tender mercies and loving arms.- 2 Corinthians 1:3,4

  • September 01, 2020

    I've known Mr. Neigum for 5 1/2 years, and I'm so sad to hear about this loss. He was a great manager and an even better person, and work will not be the same without him. I'm glad to have known him for as long as I did. I'll always appreciate him letting us play music on Christmas Eve (as well as his generous Christmas gifts), making sure we got to our cars safely after work, and saving posters for us while we were away at college, among the many other wonderful things he did. He is already and will be very missed.

  • September 01, 2020

    Mark I can't remember when I first met you but i find myself thinking back to you now that I'm getting married next month. i know that you and my soon to be wife would have gotten along amazingly and i wish you could have met you have been gone almost two years and i still miss you i hope you look down on my marriage and smile. I miss you

  • September 01, 2020

    Barb: Mark was a good and loving man. Mom and I were so happy when he asked you to be his wife. Mark was like a son to us. He helped us get through so much with patience and kindness. He was always looking toward the welfare and comfort of our family. I remember how helpful he was, especially when we moved, and then again when Mom was sick. And how you and he helped Mom and I find a temporary home with Aunt Lillian during the flood. I know both your lives were better for having had each other for as long as you did. I just wish you could have had more years together. I will miss Mark so very much. I wish I could be there with you, but as I cant, please know you have my deepest sympathy and all my love. Dad.

  • September 01, 2020

    Barb, I am so sorry for your loss. While I didn't know Mark except through you at stitching in Apex, my prayers are with you and your family in this difficult time.

  • September 01, 2020

    Mr. Neigum was a caring person and a pleasure to work with at Six Forks Cinemas. I enjoyed our conversations together, especially during those long Monday nights at the theater. He would always lend a sympathetic ear and treated us with respect, while still letting my coworkers and I be ourselves and have fun. He will be sorely missed.

  • September 01, 2020

    My friend, Jeannette, sent this to me for you. I hope it brings you comfort: I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads his white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. He is an object of beauty and strength. I stand and watch him until at length he hangs like a speck on white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other. Then someone at my side says, There, he is gone. Gone where? Gone from my sight. That is all. He is just as large in mast and hull and spar as he was when he left my side, and he is just as able to bear his load of living freight to his destined port. His diminished size is in me, not in him. And just at the moment when someone at my side says, There, he is gone! there are other eyes watching him coming, and there are other voices ready to take up the glad shout, Here he comes! And that is dying. - Henry Van Dyke

  • September 01, 2020

    Mark and Barb, You guys have been my friends longer than anyone I have ever know I sure will miss Mark. He was my best friend. Mark was always a guy who would want to help other people and do the right thing. Many a time he came over to the house and helped me with the kids, with the chores with my fix up repairs etc. and we always had such a good time. I used to joke with Mark that he was grumpy all the time. He was always so gruff. Even though deep down he was probably one of the sweetest and most sentimental people I ever knew. Mark and I did so much together that my life is so much better because of his influence. I admire Mark for his integrity and I think it is so awesome that in death he was still able to help people which was what Mark was so good at doing. My life is much fuller because of Mark and I will miss him greatly. I love you two, and I am so greatful for the time that we have had together.

  • September 01, 2020

    I am saddened to hear of the passing of Mark. I remember him well from our school days at RHS. It is at times like this that we realize we may not have all the time we hope for and that our lives are going by quicker than we would wish. I extend my deepest sympathy to you Barbara and the rest of Mark's family.

  • September 01, 2020

    We do not count the success of a life by its length; we count it by its joy. Wishing you the comfort of your memories this Christmas, dear sister.

  • September 01, 2020

    Please know that I'm thinking about you all at this time. I worked with Mr. Neigum at the theater, and I can't go there without thinking about how great of a person he was and how much I enjoyed working with him. He is missed.

  • September 01, 2020

    It's been a year now and you are still thought of often. I miss you my friend.

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