Lucile Baird Pillsbury

Passed January 17, 2022


Obituary For Lucile Baird Pillsbury

Lucile Baird Pillsbury "Sally", 96 years old, passed away peacefully after a period of declining health on January 17.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Albert Pillsbury, and her daughter, Cay. She is survived by her three children: Patty, Tom, and Jean; five wonderful grandchildren and six great grandchildren.

Little did people know that after leaving her hometown in Pennsylvania, she moved to Ohio where she was a WW2 "Rosie the Riveter". Sally was an avid Wolfpack fan; loved M&M's; had a taste for a good filet mignon and lobster; and held a special place in her heart for her Birthday Club over the past 50 years.

Due to Covid-19 and her wishes, there will be a small private celebration of her life with immediate family.

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