
Lee Ann Brennan

July 31, 1962 - June 19, 2013


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  • September 01, 2020

    Lee Ann, my girl, my best friend in life, my Soulmate. Your love as a friend was unconditional. Together we were the flames at each end of the candle. Your zest for fun and adventure in life was my spark. From NYC/NJ night clubs, from Rockabilly to Reggae, to the Jersey Shore, Coney Island, Mexico, and the many trips to Jamaica. My most cherished memories and lifetime experiences were with you. Together we could just "Be" and it was the best! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you and miss you more than you know. Barbara, thank you for Lee Ann, and for your love, strength, and courage as a mother. You've been blessed with the greatest gift from God, a beautiful daughter that touched so many hearts and lives, leaving her greatest gifts, four beautiful boys. Robert, keep in touch, you know you have a place in my heart. Lee Ann, when I think of you, I can only see your smile, your laugh, and your beautiful self, and that is what I choose to keep close in my heart. Knowing what you went through hurt the pit of my soul. You are now at peace, pain free, whole, healthy, and happy again. I know the party started once you got there! I've been so blessed to have you in my life, and your eternal Love. Your light is forever in my heart. I will Love you forever, my Best Friend, my Angel.

  • September 01, 2020

    Words are often unable to accurately express our emotions. Lee Ann ~~ you were a great friend, a big heart, a tough fight. So many wonderful memories ~~ thank you for all of them. I sit here with tears running down my face and I'm also smiling thinking about all the crazy, nutty, wonderful things we did together. Rest peacefully in Heaven.

  • September 01, 2020

    I am so sorry for your loss. The Bible provides comfort during these difficult times. Revelation 21:3,4 states "And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. Very soon now, we will never experience losing our loved ones in death. Hope these words give you a new hope.

  • September 01, 2020

    Lee Ann, I can not say in words how much you are missed. You were always good to me and the whole SGP crew. I know we will always carry a special place in our hearts for you. And I promise to watch over Robert for you. You asked me to look after him so long ago and I will see it through. God Bless the family and the boys, and know your mother will always be loved and misses by so many she has touched.

  • September 01, 2020

    Momma LeeAnn, All the memories of us traveling to "Young Marines," Myrtle Beach with the little guys, and all of those crazy SGP drumline sleepovers will never be forgotten. I am truly honored to have had you in my life to introduce Bob Marley, Vegan dishes, and a broad vocabulary that I've put to good use ;). I will truly hold all of those moments very close to my heart. Miss and love you, always.

  • September 01, 2020

    Lee Ann, Your struggles have been long and hard, but now you can rest peacefully in God's arms. You will always be remembered for your contagious smile, your infectious laugh and your indomitable spirit! You have truly been a blessing in my life and I am honored to have called you my friend! Love you more and as always "save me a seat!"

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