John "Jack" Barry

July 30, 1932 - February 01, 2023


Obituary For John "Jack" Barry

John “Jack” Dennis Barry, age ninety, of Wake Forest, NC, peacefully passed away on February 1, 2023. He was born in Brooklyn, New York, on July 30, 1932. His parents, William and Mary Barry, preceded him in death. After twelve years of attending Catholic Schools, Jack, ever the New Yorker, headed off to Saint John’s University, where, like his father before him, he played on the basketball team. Till the day he died, Jack had an unfailing love for Saint John’s and its team as through the years it brought him both great joy and anguish.

In 1960, Jack had the blessed fortune to meet and eventually marry Shirley McWilliams, his Long Island sweetheart. Although their first date ended with Jack’s spaghetti in Shirley’s lap, their beautiful marriage lasted fifty seven years until Shirley’s death in 2018. Shirley and Jack had four children, William “Billy”, their oldest child who died in 2011, Alice (David) Stewart, Thomas (Paige), and John. Besides his children and their spouses, Jack’s family includes five grandchildren, Patrick (Sofia), Shannon (Ryan), Michael (Julie), Brian and Kathleen and one great grandson, Caleb, born only six months ago. Besides his children and their spouses, Jack is survived by his nieces, Therese Rogers and DA Hayden, and by his nephew, David Hayden. In addition to Shirley and Billy, Jack was predeceased by his sister, Ann Rogers and her daughter, Mary.

For the first twenty five years of their marriage, Jack and Shirley lived on Long Island where they raised their children and made lifelong friends. In 1988, they left these much loved friends and moved to Raleigh.

In Raleigh, Jack, a man of deep faith, soon learned of and joined the Friday Morning Men’s Fellowship. For more than thirty years, Jack enthusiastically and lovingly shared time, prayers, music and personal stories with the ninety or so members of this group whom he saw and loved as brothers. He was known in this group as “Catholic Jack”.

A huge part of Jack’s existence was his Catholic faith. He studied, loved, practiced and professed this faith unceasingly. Whether ministering to prisoners, proclaiming the word at Mass, sharing his faith, or advocating for the sanctity of life, Jack was a fearless servant of God.

Jack loved life, and this was especially obvious in his gatherings with family and friends and on the golf course. No party was complete until Jack burst into song and laughter, and no party will be complete without him. His Irish tenor voice will never be forgotten. He loved all birds and animals, especially his cat, Blackjack. For more than twenty years Jack shared prayer, laughter, joy, despair, exhilaration, and frustration with the golf group he helped found, The Holy Hackers. Even in his later years, when his score no longer showed anything to boast about, Jack eagerly looked forward to Thursday morning and his gathering with his friends.

When it came to neighbors, Jack had the luck of the Irish. Since 2002, his neighbors have loved Jack as family and have surrounded him with kindness, concern and care. Jack returned their love and was quick to rave about these wonderful neighbors to his friends.

Jack was a good man. We loved him. He will be missed by many.

A Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, February 9, 2023 at 1:00 pm. Visitation with the family will be just prior to the Mass from 12:00pm to 12:45 pm at the Church. St. Raphael the Archangel Catholic Church 5801 Falls of the Neuse Rd. Raleigh, NC 27609 Luncheon to follow at Saints & Scholars Restaurant at 909 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27609.

In Lieu of flowers, donations can be made to: Sisters of Life St. Andrew’s Center 20 Cardinal Hayes Pl. New York, NY 10007 (212) 737-0221 Click Here to Donate to Sisters of Life This organization was founded by Cardinal O’Connor


9 Feb


12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

St Raphael the Archangel Catholic Church 5801 Falls of Neuse Rd. Raleigh, NC 27609 Get Directions »
9 Feb


01:00 PM

St Raphael the Archangel Catholic Church 5801 Falls of Neuse Rd. Raleigh, NC 27609 Get Directions »
9 Feb


03:00 PM

Saints & Scholars Restaurant 909 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27609 Get Directions »
by Obituary Assistant

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  • February 06, 2023

    Sending prayers for comfort and peace to the family and friends of John Barry. He will forever be alive in the hearts of those he loved. -The Tracy Family

  • February 06, 2023

    John "Jack" Barry is a brother that I am grateful to have known and met as Dave & Alice (Barry) Stewart's dear father. As Dave and Alice's brother in law, I was always so pleased to be able to spend Holidays and seasonal visits when they came to Detroit/Novi to visit. We already miss him so much but know that he is with God the Trinity with Shirley and their son Bill. Jesus Christ has always been the heart and focus of Jack and his family. Cherie, myself and our children Kayleigh, Jennie and Andrew know he is experiencing Paradise with our Savior and his family, friends, and brothers & sisters in the Heavenly courts of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We miss you Jack but we will see you again soon🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️☦️☦️☦️

  • February 06, 2023

    Jack was one of the sweetest men I have ever known. As a neighbor in Stone Bridge Subdivision and as a fellow member of the Band of Brothers Friday morning Bible Study he was a joy to know and love. Jack would light up the room with his beautiful tenor voice. He loved golf and his Heavenly Hackers weekly golf outing. We will all miss Jack until we join him in heaven. Doug Boggie

  • February 05, 2023

    Granddad is already so missed. He was an amazing person and we know he is looking down and appreciating all of the love.

  • February 04, 2023

    Praying for the peace and love of Jesus that Jack knew and shared with others , to comfort the family . Jacks life and faith was a living testimony ... " His JOY was evident to ALL " Joe Christen Friday morning Fellowship

  • February 03, 2023

    Our hearts are broken at John "Jack" Barry's passing. The Line/Stewart family is happy but also sad to see Jack move on in his spiritual walk with Christ and the Holy Trinity. We love him and all of his family persevering in the Faith. God bless you Barry and Stewart families. We are with you in this sorrow but rejoicing in his presence with his Savior and Lord. Love, the Line Family (Northville, MI)🙏🏼☦️❤️

  • February 03, 2023

    Jack is one of the most joyful and thoughtful friends I ever had. He strengthens my faith and is for me a model of a brother in Christ. I speak of him in the present tense, because his love remains living in my heart and will continue to burn bright. I am a better person for the time we shared. Rest well brother. I pray for comfort and peace for John and Alice. Ken

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