John Andrew Markham Jr.

March 26, 1990 - January 31, 2022


Obituary For John Andrew Markham Jr.

John Andrew Markham Jr., 31, of Raleigh, NC, died unexpectedly on January 31, 2022. John graduated from Millbrook High School in Raleigh, NC. He attended Wake Tech Community College, after which he worked in the restaurant/retail industry and most recently as a supervisor at UPS.

John was a beloved son, brother and friend. He loved his parents and five sisters, and always made himself available for a phone call, visit, and/or an immediate helping hand. John also had a deep network of close friends to whom he gave, and from whom he received support. He was very active and loved the outdoors: hiking, rock climbing, camping, and skateboarding. John traveled overseas to Ireland, France and Australia.

John was an avid reader of nonfiction and fiction, and he particularly enjoyed the novels of Carlos Ruiz Zafon, a favorite he shared with his mother. John was curious, introspective, and dedicated to striving to live an authentic life that adhered to his values. He had this taped to his door: "work harder than anyone else; always be willing/teachable; stay humble". That is how he lived.

John is survived by his father, John (Cindy) Markham of Raleigh, NC; mother, Sheree (Dan) Kirby of California; siblings Alexandra Kirby, Sarah Kirby, Emily Markham, Samantha Markham, and Katherine Markham; and as well as his grandmothers and grandfather and many aunts, uncles and cousins.

A Visitation will be held on Monday, February 7, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. at Renaissance Funeral Home, 7615 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC 27615.


7 Feb


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Renaissance Funeral Home 7615 Six Forks Road Raleigh, NC 27615 Get Directions »
7 Feb


02:45 PM

Historic Oakwood Cemetery 701 Oakwood Avenue Raleigh, NC 27601 Get Directions »
by Obituary Assistant

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  • February 07, 2022

    John is and always be my brother. Everyone knows how strong John is physically on the outside. What everyone sometimes miss is how strong he is on the inside as well. His strength allowed him to understand precisely what others are going through, even those he just met for the first time. With the ability to relate quickly, John is able to help people get through anything in life, again even strangers. Not a lot of people are as willing and able to carry the weight of others. I believe he did it because even if he could lift just a little off your shoulders that was enough for him. He saw a world that needed to be lifted so he did his absolute best to do just that. Watching what he does for people with his long talks from the outside, I sometimes found myself asking him why. I never really got an straight answer. He just smiles. I think its just what he likes to do. That is why he is the strongest person I know. - Rob

  • February 06, 2022

    My name is Issac Knight, and I grew up with John and our friends. John and I weren't the closest as time went on, but went we did see each other there was always a mutual respect that never faltered. He was a man that had amazing values, and always fought against the grain. He had honor, which is rare and refreshing nowadays. I always looked up to the fact that he was not afraid to carve his own path. Even if he fell on his face. He would grumble a bit, dust himself off and find a new passion. I can only hope to be as brave as him. One of our crew, our brother, our friend. I won't forget you man, and I pray your family finds the peace and comfort they need in this trying time. We will preserve your memory. Till we meet again my friend. Rest easy.

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