
Bailey Robert Bassett

February 05, 1998 - December 10, 2011


Obituary For Bailey Robert Bassett

Bailey Robert Bassett is survived by his parents, Kelley Bassett and Shelley Bassett, and his sister, Shelby Bassett. A visitation will take place at the funeral home tomorrow, Thursday, December 15, 2011, from 7pm to 9pm. His Celebration of Life Service will be held on Friday, December 16, 2011 at 12pm at the funeral home chapel. Please dress casual, including flip flops, jeans, and t-shirts, which is the way Bailey loved to dress. Come with stories to tell and a comfy outfit. Bailey would love it. All are welcome.

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  • September 01, 2020

    Kelly, Shelly and Shelby - I was saddened to hear the news. Please know that Bailey is in our thoughts and prayers. I will light a candle for him at St. Marys Church in Littleton, CO this weekend. Regards, Jim

  • September 01, 2020

    Lifting you all in prayer as you walk through this valley. May you find enough peace and strength for this day... Psalms 34:18 "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit".

  • September 01, 2020

    To the Bassett family, I am one of Mackenzie Metzgers friends, and i just recently found out about Bailey, and even though i didn't know him too well, my heart is hurting for your family...i can't imagine the pain your must be feeling, during this sad time. My family and I will all pray for you, that hopefully you will have peace by remembering all of Bailey's sweet memories. I am so sorry for your loss, and our family wishes you the very best... Sincerely, Victoria

  • September 01, 2020

    May God's love bring you comfort. We will never forget Bailey's beautiful smile.

  • September 01, 2020

    Our family will continue to pray for you during this most difficult time. May you take comfort in knowing that Bailey will be watching over you.

  • September 01, 2020

    Bassett's...It takes a special family to have their own Angel watch over them. You have that in Bailey. And by the responses you've received, you have the love and support of many who will remember Bailey forever. God Bless Bailey!!!

  • September 01, 2020

    Please accept our deepest sympathies for your loss. We are praying that God helps you through this difficult time and that you find resignation soon, knowing that Bailey is in Heaven looking after you.

  • September 01, 2020

    Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss. Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. (current St. Timothy's family)

  • September 01, 2020

    Bailey, You will never be forgotten. My fond memories of our laughs and good times will always be with me. I miss you so much, as does everyone else. Thank you for your friendship. You are so loved! I wish peace and comfort for you. ~ Sophie

  • September 01, 2020

    Shelley... I am deeply sorry for the loss of your son. I will always remember Bailey with his beautiful smile and the sound of his voice saying : Hola seora! Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Viviana Hillmann ( St.Timothy's family)

  • September 01, 2020

    I am so sorry about your lost. i knew Bailey from Durant road musical theater . we were in the same play together , mulan . I remember the times that he use to make every one laugh. He was full with joy and happiness and thats why people loved him so much. i will never forget Bailey . I wish you guys all the best , and I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers . <3

  • September 01, 2020

    The death of a love one is very difficult.My deepest condolences are extended to you and your family during this difficult time. Therefore, Id like to share scripture that may help, Please, read John 6:40, 44 and Ps. 36:9.

  • September 01, 2020

    Bailey has touched so many with his enticing personality, large heart and fabulous smile. May he be at peace and act as your guardian angel through the upcoming days. Our thoughts and prayers are with you through this very difficult time. God Bless you Bailey. You really are a shining star.

  • September 01, 2020

    It was an honor to know Bailey and be his art teacher Kinder.-5th grade. I will remember most his sweet nature and great smile. I pray that you all, Shelby, Kelly and Shelly find peace and the strength to face each day. It will get easier. Lots of love, Laura Bierer

  • September 01, 2020

    Dear Bassette family, There are no words to describe how you are feeling. I am so sorry for your loss. May the God of tender mercies and loving kindness comfort you in your time of distress. - 2 Corinthians 1:3,4

  • September 01, 2020

    Lit a candle in memory of Bailey Robert Bassett

  • September 01, 2020

    Kelley,Shelly and Shelby: I am so sorry for your loss. I pray that you feel the love of family ,friends and God coming your way everyday. I regret not ever having the chance to meet your son and brother. You have been great friends all of these years and I am stunned at my slow reaction to reach out and contact you. I am praying for your comfort everyday and I hope you can find peace. I love you guys. I hope you can sense his presence everyday and I know he was a gentle and tenderhearted soul. What a gorgeous kid. Please call or contact me for anything,anytime anywhere. God bless you and your family.

  • September 01, 2020

    I was so sorry to hear of Bailey's death. Words cannot express the magnitude of pain that is felt. He was a wonderful and loving person. Our hearts go out to you. Know that your Heavenly Father sees your pain and is stretching out His arms to hold you in His tender care. Not one sparrow falls without our Heavenly Father's knowledge and Bailey is worth more than many many sparrows. You are in the thoughts and prayers of many. Matthew 10:29,30; Philippians 4:6,7; John 11:21-25

  • September 01, 2020

    Your loss and tears of sadness was shared by those who donot know you.Death was not part of God's original plan,but due to imperfection it is an enemy of mankind.Because of Almighty God's love and mercy,he has made provisions to remove the things that hurt us even to do away with death.Revelation 21:3,4 shares that promise with each of us.And Titue 1:2says;God can not lie!

  • September 01, 2020

    We extend our deepest sympathies to you all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of terrible tragedy.

  • September 01, 2020

    Waylon and I are so sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  • September 01, 2020

    Dear Bassett Family, I am very sorry for the loss of your son, Bailey. I really wish I could be there with you but please know that your family is in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you all... Love, Taun (Jackson) Hall

  • September 01, 2020

    Shelley... I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. I want you to know I am thinking of you and your family. I hope to see you soon. Kelly Kidder (Charlotte, NC)

  • September 01, 2020

    Emily just told me the news when she was going to bed. I am so sorry for your loss. May God keep you all close in the palm of His hand while you grieve. I believe that Bailey is in a safe and happy place now. We haven't seen you since we left St. Timothy's when Bailey and Emily finished third grade, but I think of you all often as I pass your house to and from North Ridge Elementary. God bless you all.

  • September 01, 2020

    hi, im mackenzie and i was friends with bailey i used to go to cooking classes with him on monday nights and we used to have a lot of fun together im really gonna miss him and i loved him and im very sorry for your loss, i just found out about it today so sadly i wont be able to come to the funeral to show my support but i was so lucky of having the pleasure of knowing bailey and again im very sorry for your loss. sincerly, mackenzie

  • September 01, 2020

    Shelley, My whole family is very, very sorry for your loss. We're praying for Bailey, you and your entire family to find strength. We love you. Please let us know if there is absolutely anything we can do for you. Love, The Naglers

  • September 01, 2020

    I haven't seen Bailey in a while, but I know I will mis him too. Everytime I think about him I see him smiling or laughing. He was always such a bright person.

  • September 01, 2020

    Your family is in our prayers. May God comfort you. The Popes (former St. Timothy's family)

  • September 01, 2020

    We have always felt a special connection to you Shelley which extended to your family. We cannot begin to know the sorrow you are all feeling and all we can do is think of you with love and prayers. Bailey will always be remembered as a sweet, smiling, big brown-eyed boy to us. We know how much he was loved and cherished by his family and friends. We are so sorry for your loss. Bailey was a light in the halls of St. Timothy's and the world. God bless him and your family. With much love from all of us.

  • September 01, 2020

    Kathy and I are truly devastated by your loss! Bailey was an absolute delight of a boy! We will never forget his smile, his love of anything funny and his insatiable quest for a laugh! From turning the steering wheel of our golf cart when Kelly and I would take him golfing with us, to hiding in his bedroom "cave" so that we could not find him. While we cannot even come close to filling this devastating void in your hearts, please know that he is so loved by all, and that you are in our prayers for peace and comfort.

  • September 01, 2020

    Shelly, With all my heart and deep felt sympathy know you are in our prayers and thoughts during these difficult times. With all our Love and support.

  • September 01, 2020

    Kelley, We are so sorry for your loss and will keep your family in our thoughts and prayers. "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die". May faith and friends hold you up through this difficult time. Love, Judi Seargeant-Holmes and family (El Camino HS)

  • September 01, 2020

    Bassett Family: There are no words that can truly comfort at this time of deep sorrow. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers - may you find peace and comfort in all the fond memories you have of your beautiful son and brother. (current STS family, Olivia, 6th grade)

  • September 01, 2020

    Dear Bassett family: Our family has had you in our prayers since the news of Bailey's death. Although we did not know Bailey personally, we recall seeing him on campus. Our son, Hayden, who is a 1st grader, recalls spending small pockets of time with Bailey and has expressed his sadness at losing a fellow schoolmate. Words are only a small way to help ease the pain, but please know that you are not grieving alone. We hope that you can find the strength to press forward on difficult days and that you can always focus on the good times. Much love to you all. Our best to you and God Bless You, The Stanley Family

  • September 01, 2020

    Thinking of your family, and hoping that you find the strength you need during this time. We are so sorry for the loss of Bailey.

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