Obituaries do not have to be boring.  Unfortunately, at the time a death occurs it is hard to write a creative obituary.  Thankfully, times are changing and people want to be more creative–more real. We are including 3 examples of the way people are changing this process.   

We believe each person has a unique and important story.   So, we encourage people to think about what they want to say ahead of time. 

This has a two-fold purpose:  First they have time to be more creative and tell more of their personal story and second, it provides a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for people to express themselves fully to those they love.  Or, even, make a poignant statement to leave behind for the rest of us.     

Standard obituaries are simply indexes intended to acknowledge the life and key people in a persons life and to give friends and family needed information on services.  In order to save newspaper space and be more efficient they have become what you see so often today. 

A little more than 20 years ago Newspaper obituaries and, in smaller communities, radio obituaries were our only choice and they were free. Unfortunately, the line cost of newspaper space has become relatively expensive. Consequently, obituaries are increasingly replaced with terse “death notices”  

The good news is that the electronic world is quickly replacing the world of paper. This opens a full realm of possibilities and a few brave souls are beginning to break the mold. Our new website will host obituaries which can be downloaded. We encourage you to check out some of the samples included with today’s discussion. Our only rule is that obituaries be tasteful and not something that will cause anyone embarrassment.  Check out a few of the more original ones we have seen:  


A Life Lived With Fun

A Sermon